Blahnik Family History 


General History




Brief History of Blahniks in Wisconsin

Among the first settlers in the area today known as the Town of Ahnapee were George and Katherine Blahnik.  They and five sons arrived in the United States in 1855 and came directly to northeastern Wisconsin, purchasing 80 acres of timberland in Ahnapee town.

George Blahnik was reared on a farm in Bohemia and married Katherine Blaha, also a Bohemian by birth.  The marriage was performed in Bohemia.

The five sons who arrived in Ahnapee town with George and Katherine were Mathias, Jacob, George, Jr., Joseph and John.  When the Blahnik family left Bohemia in 1855, there was also a daughter.  She however, died during the Atlantic crossing.  Later a sixth son, Anton, was born in this country.

Upon their arrival and their purchase of 80 acres of Ahnapee timberland, the Blahniks began to clear it for farming.  George, Sr., eventually purchased an additional 240 acres, all of which he improved.

The Blahniks experienced many hardships incident to the life of a pioneer.  The buildings which they erected are no longer in existence, but the land became the property of Donald Blahnik, a great-grandson of George and Katherine.  Donald's father was Jacob A. Blahnik.

Katherine died in 1891 and George's death took place in 1893.  They were buried in St. Mary's cemetery, Algoma, Wisconsin.


Lee Blahnik's Website
July 13, 2018